Skinnies Skreecret Sauce
Traction Compound Info
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Why to use Skinnies Skreecret Sauce?
We are the biggest traction compound company for no prep and street racing
As a worldwide company, we are proven all across the world with happy customers
Buy from one of our 400+ distributors or order directly on
Works great on bare asphalt, concrete, and rubber covered surfaces
No need to cut or mix it, pour straight out of the bottle every time
Temperature doesn't affect our prep like other preps
Use the same prep from 20 degrees to 100 degrees
It'll carry a lot farther down the road than other preps: If at a race spot and you are doing puddle burnouts for 60ft then after passes you can start walking out 60-200ft and the road will start getting sticky where it is coming back off the tire to the road for that maximum traction.
This traction beyond the 60ft helps tremendously with getting that big mph on the back end of any surface
Mixes well with other preps and helps bring the surface back if the road gets gummy / slimy
As many preps get poured down surfaces will get gummy or slimy, especially when it is hot out. Skinnies Skreecret Sauce will help dry out the other preps that have comprised the road and bring it back to maximum traction.
Can be used with a hand sprayer ( use light coats only! ) or more common is from pouring a puddle in front of the tires and doing a burnout in it.
Lastly, we care about your safety, we are backed by 24/7 chemical emergency response
How did we become #1 no prep traction compound?
The Background
For many years people have asked to buy "The Skinnies Prep" but I have always kept it a secret until now. Here's your chance to get something I've been working on for 5+ years and HUNDREDS of test passes. It works great for both asphalt, concrete, and no prep races at the track. I've only shared it with close friends in very limited quantities until August of 2017 when we released it to the public. Teaming up with Skreetcar for the branding and our thorough testing of the prep allowed us to offer a quality product at a great price.
The 1 year mark
We had 79 distributors in 41 states in one year, from coast to coast, truly a nationwide brand. After a lot of hoops to jump through we are able to ship the product. This means we are able to get it to distributors easier and is also now available on
Current times
We are now over 400+ distributors and you will see our jugs at about every no prep or street race across the country! We have many happy customers winning money and doing street wheelies every weekend.
How to use Sauce properly?
While many different racers use Skinnies Skreecret Sauce their own way, these are the most common ways to do it.
Puddle Burnout
- Pour a puddle in front of the tires
- Pull into the puddle then proceed to start a burnout
- Roll out of the burnout slowly with high wheel speed
- You want to ensure the prep fully dries out for best results
- Back up slowly into your marks making sure you DO NOT back in the puddle
- You are now ready to launch
Hand Sprayer
- Using a hand sprayer you can coat the road or surface you are trying to race on
- Spray both sides of the lane for each tire
- Make sure to spray a LIGHT coat, more is not better in this case!
- Allow to dry(this usually takes a few minutes depending on weather)
- You can apply more LIGHT coats for best results
- Make sure to allow to dry in between each light coat
- Most racers who use hand sprayer spray around 60 feet out
- **Warning Skinnies Skreecret Sauce can clog up your sprayer**
Coat Tires Between Rounds
- Some racers who enter "water burnout only" races will put light coats on the tires between rounds
- Do this in your pit area and keep in mind it will pick up rocks / etc on the way to the starting line
- If you are parked in gravel, the gravel dust will stick to tires making this not work very well
- Make sure to do a good HOT burnout to ensure coated tires are dried out and most sticky
- This method isn't as good as a puddle burnout or hand sprayer option but still does help
How can I become a distributor?
Where can I get safety information?
We have 24/7 chemical emergency on our contact us page along with prop 65 warning information.

Are you ready for this?
- winning races
- street wheelies
- Collecting that money